House Basketball

This week saw the Lower and Upper Schools taking to the court for House Basketball

Lower School House Basketball

Writes Viraj V (4ths)  

Lower school house basketball kicked off with a game against Mulcaster, in which as a team, we somewhat breezed through and showed a strong overall performance, with points scored by Abhi S (4ths) and Viraj V (4ths), taking us over the line into the next round with a 6-2 win.

On Thursday, we faced Hilles, which proved our toughest opponents of the tournament as their strong attack peppered our basket throughout the game, without us making much attacking breakthrough. We managed to survive the game with some strong defence from Mihir S (4ths) and Mihajlo L (4ths) . The game ended 0-0 taking us to a free-throw shout out.

None of both respective teams scored their three free throws, taking us to sudden death, where Viraj V (4ths) broke the deadlock and scored his free throw, taking us to the finals vs White. The final brought out some true competitiveness in a closely fought game, however a wonderful basket from Viraj V (4ths), and a brilliant defensive performance from super sub Pellis P (4ths) brought home the house basketball title for Walter.


Upper School House Basketball

Writes Jaeden C (L6th)

In Walter, we have some real basketball lovers, which meant we had a great lineup of players for the senior squad. In our first game we performed fairly well and learned to play effectively as a team. The next few matches were very well coordinated as we became a stronger team with better positions for each player, leading us to a final victory overall.

House Basketball was a brilliant event in the quad with lots of spectators, all shouting with enthusiasm. I can’t wait till the next house event.

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