Summer Reading Challenge

The Summer Reading Challenge for our current Thirds, Upper Thirds and Fourths has been launched, alongside those joining us new next year. Classes have been coming into the library over the last few weeks to find out what it’s all about.

Each year the library (in conjunction with the English Department) organises a Summer Reading Challenge, with the purpose of encouraging our students to develop or maintain a reading habit over the summer holiday.  It also offers the School useful insight into the extent and nature of their recreational reading.

The challenge is to read and review at least three books over the summer break, filling in the online booklet provided. Prizes are awarded to the best booklets returned by the closing date in September. Full instructions for taking part and further information are included in the online booklet as well as on Accessit.

The library catalogue and ORLib can be easily accessed at home throughout the summer for inspiration. Reading lists, book recommendations and our online resources, including eBooks, are available to help find reading suggestions.

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