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This section of the 91ÇÑ×Ó website is devoted to sharing documents and information with our parents.

Curriculum Booklets
Sixth Form Options Booklet 2023
i/GCSE Booklet 2023
Fourth Form Curriculum 2022

General Documents

Afternoon Daily Coach Service Timings (Spring Term, 2024)

Coach Service Typical Departure Times 2023

Co-curricular Activities Booklet

Educational Visits Summer 2023-2024

Educational Visits Summer 2024-2025

Exam Dates 2023-24

Moor Park 1958 Ltd Car Emblem Application, 2023

91ÇÑ×Ó Parental Wellbeing Programme 2022

RSE A Guide for the Family


The injury record form below is for you to record details about the nature of injury you have sustained. Information provided helps us understand the pattern and types of injury that occur through life at school and allows us to work effectively with the school physiotherapist, where required, to get you back to sport and physical activity as soon as possible.

Physiotherapy support provided by the school is an additional service provided by the school with an associated cost. In order for your son to be able to access physiotherapy we require both your parental consent for him to receive this support and agree to the cost of £100 to be added to the school bill should your son access this service. This fee is for the entire academic year (Sept-July) and provides unlimited sessions for any injury(ies) that he may require in this period.


Page lasted updated 3rd January, 2024
