A Buzz Around The Thirds French Spelling Bee!

After sitting their first exams at 91ÇÑ×Ó, our Third Form boys trained for the first French Spelling Bee competition.

Judging the semi-final and the final, Ms Kotsuba and Mrs Dean had a job on their hands to adjudicate the semi-final and the final, as the standard was high!

Twenty-one boys made it through the semi-final, but only five could be put through the next stage of the competition. Translating high frequency words before having to spell them out in the target language was no easy feat, and Levin W broke the record with sixteen words spelt under a minute. Congratulations to all the boys who took part and a special mention to Avi A., Jayron S., Kaylan S., Zac T. and Levin W. for treating us to an exciting final on Friday 14th June 2024.

The results of the competition were:

1st Place: Levin W.

2nd place: Zac T.

3rd place: Jayron S.

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