Thirds Performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream

On Tuesday, the Third Form performed A Midsummer Night's Dream in the annual summer performance in the Headmaster's Garden.

Aaryan P. (3rds) reports on the event below:

Backstage, a knot of nervous Thirds huddled together, watched by over a hundred expectant parents. The air crackled with a mix of excitement, trepidation, and a surprising undercurrent of confidence. Then, silence. A pin could have been heard dropped.

Theseus' first line shattered the quiet, and the play seamlessly unfolded. As Mr Hilton Dennis would say, we had to keep that energy ball alive! And alive it was. Performing Shakespeare as Third Formers? Laughable. Many would have scoffed. Yet, in just nine lessons, a mere three weeks, we were wielding Shakespeare’s language with surprising fluency.

Though a touch nervous myself (Lysander, at your service!), stepping onto the stage transformed everything. The play flowed, and the same was true for many classmates, Shakespeare newbies who rose to the challenge. All the rehearsals paid off – maybe not blood, sweat, and tears, but certainly our best effort. Ultimately, this was a transformative experience for most of us, resulting a breathtaking show for everyone.

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